Hi, I'm Petrik.

Consulting and working on several of my own products. I’ve done everything from design, to backend, to sales and customer service. However, my focus has been on building and hosting web applications.

I'm an active Open Source contributor. As a Ruby on Rails Issues team member I review code, triage issues, and merge documentation changes.


Open Source work

Ruby on Rails

As a Ruby on Rails Issues team member I review code, triage issues, and merge documentation changes


SDoc is used to generate the Ruby on Rails API documentation. I have rewritten the frames based implementation to work without frames instead.

Simple State Machine

A simple DSL to decorate existing methods with state transition guards.

Past Contributions

Table builder

No longer maintained. Was featured in Railscast 213 .

Metric Fu

Refactored original code to make it more generic and added specs.

Try Ruby

Fixed bugs and added specs.

Other Stuff

Lisp in 17 lines of Ruby

Simplified Fogus' "Lisp in 32 lines of Ruby" to 17 lines and added specs.

My Project Euler progress


Een digitaal portfolio en keuzebord


Work done from 2007 until 2010.